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Compliance made easy

Is Library Suite held on my Computer?No Library Suite is a cloud-based program, but you can have a shortcut on your laptop, tablet or mobile phone device to help you get to the login page quicker. Library Suite is a cloud-based program that allows your company to save time loading each program install onto your machines and then upgrading each for every time there a new facility or function is available. All of the upgrading happens when you are logging into Library Suite in the cloud.
Is there a user guide to Library Suite?Yes, there is not only a great Library Suite Guide that you can download but also online videos for members to watch at their leisure with screenshots on ‘how to’ use and manage the platform.
How does Library Suite work?Library Suite has a number of functions that enables companies essentially to keep track on their compliance and it automates a lot of the processes to save you time in administration. Book a demo and find out how Library Suite can benefit you and your organisation today! Here's short list of process managed within Library Suite: Safely & Securely Upload & Store any File Type Program Reviewing, Monitoring and Updates Manage Users both Internally and External to your organisation! Create Audit Ready Files for Auditors Automate Training for the whole of your workforce with e-Sign recordings Archive and Retrieve previous versions at your finger tips Auto Version Control prevents duplication and keeps a eye on Versions held on the system Configure permission levels for control and user access Save, Edit, Share, Download and Comment on Files Find out more by arranging a demo today!
What are the essential features of Library Suite?Library Suite is the compliance suite. It helps and supports you and your teamto be totally compliant with the said feature. The beauty of Library Suite is thatit automates the processes and cuts out lots of time wasted in administration! The Essential Features are: Library Suite is a safe secure system that has dual verification and secure login facilities Diary Prompt Reminders for you to Review Documents, Send Emails and e-Sign Off Training. It allows you with authorisation to read, edit and update documentation by date stamping the update and giving you the opportunity to create aversion number too. Library Suite can allow the new update to be emailed to a chosen group such as your team or to customers who might want to have an update. Library Suite can do this automatically to keep important processes and institutions like HMRC up to date with specific Authorisations. It archives old documents for reference and gives reasons for the review, whether its just a check or whether it’s to change elements of the document. Archiving cleanses itself every 7 years or at your chosen time period to save you with large data storage costs. Library Suite not only updates documentation and enables reviews but it is a valuable tool to train all within your organisation. Library Suite’s very own Training Matrix logs and records all Sign &Submitted documents. After Submitting the persons name is shown in the Matrix as Signed for with a Date Stamp against the specific Document Update. The key colour will change to green showing training is up to date for that individual. Library Suite can also share files to groups or individuals so as to check updates before publishing them. Library Suite can also tag files into folders and use these for ‘Evidence’ ready for Pending Audits. Library Suite also enforces Compliance. If emails for reminders and chasers are not responded to then the operation can inform a Director in the business of such non-conformances. Of course, this is a last resort and such can also be used to turn on or off persons on holiday so they don’t flag up unnecessarily. Library Suite reports on Compliance and gives an overview report on the business compliance as a whole, by department and also by Individual.
How much storage room does Library Suite take up?Library Suite does not charge the business for storage. This is paid for separately on a pay as you use basis. Some subscriptions come with free data. Ask one of experts today!
How much does Library Suite charge per user?Library Suite does not charge per user as this seems a little unfair. Some users will be busy using the system for information while others are just having information recorded on there. Library Suite works on a simple monthly license tariff.
How is information secured?Library Suite can offer you as standard a fully secure system. In addition, it can be offered on a ‘Shared Server or your own dedicated server, depending upon your own preference. Having your own dedicated server will be more expensive, naturally. We host using AWS S3 facilities which are 99.99999999999% durable and have great firewalls in place to protect your data from hackers.
How does Library Suite conform to GDPR regulations?Library Suite is the compliance suite, so naturally it is compliant to GDPR regulations. The information you hold on Library Suite will be cloud-based and your own information. Backup and recovery will work as your normal backup processes. If you wish us to hold as a data backup your data held on Library Suite we will arrange for this under the DGPR processes. Library Suite has its own GDPR Policies and Procedures regarding holding data as a data controller and will provide such as the need occurs. In other GDPR terms, Library Suite does not hold any data about your business other than those required for licensing purposes such as; Company Name, Bank Account Details, Address, Company Number and Contact Persons required through normal operating processes. It will from time to time monitor usages and files types/sizes so as to monitor pricing. This will work in connection with the contract of terms and the agreement held between both parties for the sole purpose of the usage as laid out in such agreements. For a copy of our Privacy Policy or your information please submit a request via the contact page.
Does Library Suite just work with Microsoft Office products?Library Suite has no preference nor prejudice of software products. It will allow any file type to be uploaded onto the system. As long as your operating system has the operating software to open and use the file uploaded, Library Suite has no limits.
Can I cancel my subscription?Library Suite’s License Agreement holds all the information regarding subscriptions, license cancellation etc. As all contract types have different features and functions under license, please refer to your agreement in terms of this.
I am new to the business but, need to operate the administration of Library Suite for my team. What do I do?"You'll need to download the User Manual which has a series of ‘howto’ screenshots within the Admin User Training Manual. We also have someinformative videos for tips and function usage.
Why can’t I find that capability on my Library Suite?Have you read about a new capability in a post about the roadmap or on ourblog recently on an advert? In that case, your Library Suite might not havebeen upgraded to the latest version yet. If the capability is published as anextension, then there can be a delay between the extension being announcedand its availability in all areas straight away.
What email addresses do I have to have to use Library Suite’s external/internal email functions?Library Suite accepts all types of email addresses. So, no need to get Outlook yet! On a security note just make sure when you setup your email addresses that these are approved and up to date by the business.
How do I set-up a Library Suite account?Your Library Suite Account will be set-up via your IT Team and Library Suite in order to follow your in-house IT Security Protocol. Please speak to your IT in the first instance.
Why can't I view other departments documents?Library Suite provides access and authorisation levels for all user types. Depending on your access level or authorisation you may find that you are restricted sight of other departments or documentation. If you have been promoted to have access then please see your IT department for security protocol in the first instance.
Can’t login or having troubleshooting problems?In many cases, registering for Library Suite can be achieved by following your IT Departments sign-up process. However, there are several reasons why you may not be able to complete self-service signup. The table below summarizes some of the most common reasons you may not be able to complete signup and ways you can workaround these issues.
Why doesn’t my Library Suite remind me to review a file?This maybe to a number of different reasons so as a start perhaps check; Have you made sure the frequency box has been ticked along with the drop message selection of 1 month to 1 year having been selected? Have you deleted the file? Check that its still in your library
Why aren’t the documents being sent to the email addresses?Have your email addresses changed at all? Are the email addresses spelt correctly? Are the documents still in your Library?
Why isn’t the Training Matrix being updated?Are all your teams’ names in the Matrix? Are they in your listings?
Why do I keep getting chaser emails?These are generated because tasks have not been completed. Are there any tasks that need completing that you may have missed?
Why has my boss just been emailed?There may be some outstanding reminder emails that have been either ignored or tasks not completed. After a time of sending chaser emails that are reminding you of things not being completed, Library Suite can be programmed to inform others, including your boss that tasks are not being completed. Library Suite reports on all non-compliances including those on a Business Level, Team Level or on an Individual Level.
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